Monday, April 5, 2010

Believe - Song A Week 2010 - 14

Helen Robertson was so kind as to send me a rough demo of an incomplete song she had lying around, a backing track, in response to my complaint that I was not motivated to write a song this week. I added a bit of guitar and voice and lyric and here we go.

Believe - T.C. Elliott and Helen Robertson

A singer
A player
with that magical touch

When you say it I believe
When you say it I believe
They say I shouldn't trust you anymore
You don't believe

You want to
You need to
But you don't have the time

When you say it I believe
When you say it I believe
They say I shouldn't trust you anymore
They don't understand why I still care
Why I still care
They say I shouldn't trust you anymore
You don't believe

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